Why Choose Same Day Crowns?

CEREC (Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics) crowns are advanced dental restorations that are designed, fabricated, and placed in a single dental visit using computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology. This in-house technology allows our dentists at Cherry Hill Dental to create high-quality, customized dental crowns on-site, saving both time and cost for the patient.

But How Does It Work?

Here’s how the CEREC process typically works:

Step One: The dentist prepares the tooth by removing any decay or damaged areas, shaping it to accommodate the crown.

Step Two: Instead of using traditional dental impressions, at Cherry Hill Dental we use state-of-the-art technology to create a precise, 3D digital model of your tooth. The dentist uses a digital intraoral scanner to create a 3D image of the prepared tooth and surrounding teeth. This scan is then uploaded to a computer.

Step Three: With the 3D scan as a guide, the dentist designs the crown using specialized software. The design is custom-made to fit the patient’s unique bite and aesthetic preferences.

Step Four: Once the design is complete, the data is sent to a milling machine located in the dental office. The machine crafts the restoration from a solid block of ceramic material, which closely matches the color of the patient’s natural teeth.

Step Five: After the crown is created, the dentist will check its fit and appearance. Any necessary adjustments can be made chairside. Once the restoration is ready, it is permanently bonded to the prepared tooth.

The Advantages of Same Day CEREC Crowns

Time Efficiency: The entire process can often be completed in a single dental visit, eliminating the need for multiple appointments and temporary restorations.

Precision: The use of digital technology ensures accurate and precise restorations, reducing the likelihood of fit issues.

Aesthetics: The ceramic materials used in CEREC restorations closely resemble natural teeth, providing excellent results that look like your real teeth.

Convenience: Patients no longer need to wear temporary crowns while waiting for a lab to fabricate their permanent restorations.

It is important to note that not all cases are suitable for CEREC crowns. Complex cases or specific materials may still require traditional dental laboratory fabrication. Your dentist will determine the most appropriate option based on your individual needs and preferences.

Does a same day crown sound like a good fit for you? Then give Cherry Hill Dental a call today and we can get you in for a consultation!